Our Story

GiTSYM LogoGiTSYM Electronics

Our Vision is

“Make our Soul Happy and Feel Energetic, Make your life easy & beautiful”

GiTSYM started couple of years back because our research found that we are being run by the tags not by quality, innovation, and creative design. GiTSYM has multiple brands who design, develop and sells high quality competitive products  in Electronics, Home and Décor, Garden Supply, Clothing and Furniture product at affordable price.

Around the world, we find more skilled artisans, creators, designers and technical brains that we are proud to call our production partners, and of course our most valuable treasure.

Our Artisans always focus on creativity with comfort in mind and how you feel after using the product.  We look into fine details and pick high quality raw material. Every piece in our collection is made to serve as your trusted companion through a lifetime of experiences. 

Where and how our products are made is an integral part of our heritage. We work with United States, Europe, Asia, China suppliers to bring handpicked collections at an affordable price which make you feel beautiful and unique.

Our Management team continuously engage with society surveys and customers feedback and incorporate the improvements into our products.

If you resonate with our vision, please sign up for our newsletter and we promise to keep you informed about the latest happiness.

"Feel Beautiful"

- Giti
The Founder
A Happy Soul